National tayan hilir
Kapuas Tayan Bridge project in the district, West Kalimantan Province
planned to be completed in early December 2015. This Kapuas Bridge
predicted would become the longest bridge in Kalimantan.Progress on the construction of a bridge between West Kalimantan and
Central Kalimantan through the Village and Village Piasak Tayan, Tayan
Hilir Subdistrict, Sanggau has reached 99 percent.Director General of Highways, Ministry of Public Works and Public
Housing (PUPR), Hediyanto W. Husaini said if the bridge is important
because it becomes the bridge that will connect the trans road south
Kalimantan were not currently connected."This bridge will replace the existing ferry so that traffic flow
Central Kalimantan and West Kalimantan do not have to go through the
river again," said Hediyanto quoted from a statement Friday
(11/27/2015).Chief Executive Unit Kapuas Tayan Bridge, Yudha hadita said the access road bridge is the process about 97%. The total length of the bridge and the access road 5.3 km at a cost of Rp 1.023 trillion."It is estimated December 3 finished, after it could not be
inaugurated, should be in decent test first function, the testing
process takes two weeks," said Yudha.Tayan bridge was built 19 September 2012. The bridge has a length of 1.5 km. Earlier,
former Minister of Public Works Djoko Kirmanto targeting the
construction finished by the end of 2014. However, construction stalled
and continued by President Joko Widodo. The bridge was built by the contractor China Road and Bridge Corporation and PT Wijaya Karya Tbk (WIKA).This
bridge will stretch across the top of the Kapuas River with a total
length of 1.42 km and is divided into two bridge the first bridge along
the 280 meters with a width of 11.5 meters, and a second bridge 1,140
meters with a width of 11.5 meters.
bridge tayan hilir
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